Boris Gazdov is expert in beer sensory. He is working for FlavorActiV company, and learnig beer sensory in europen breweries. For Warsaw Beer Festiwal he will lead two advanced workshops for beer fans, brewers, breweries owners, judges and all people who need professional knowledge of beer sensory.
- FlavorActiV: Beer sensory practices, 25.10.2019, 17:30 – 19:00
Basic beer sensory workshops is a great opportunity to improve your knowledge and skills. Dr. Boris Gadzov will learn about the main flavours and aromatic features of beer. The workshop consists of a theoretical part and a tasting. You can learn tasting techniques too. This workshops will be in English. / Te warsztaty będą w języku angielskim.

2. FlavorActiV: Yeasty sensory – positive flavours vs. off-flavours, 25.10.2019, 19:30 – 21:00
Advanced beer sensory workshops is a great opportunity to improve your knowledge and skills. Dr. Boris Gadzov will learn about the yeast and how they affect flavours and off-flavours of beer. The workshop consists of a theoretical part and a tasting. This workshops will be in English. / Te warsztaty będą w języku angielskim.
All workshops: WFP11 program
Tickets: WFP11 Tickets
Presale: promo price is valid till October 30th.